Democracy in India©
What is Democracy?
We all know that Democracy is "Government of the people, for the people, by the people." Thus, citizens have great political importance in system of current government. Of course, this type of government is considered to be much more successful when it comes to power of people. India's one of the largest democratic countries in the world. Is it a success or a failure?
History of Democracy in India and its Importance
Actually, this form of government isn't new to us. The Graham Panchayat's practice started very long ago, when democratic practices were unheard of in the world. However, with our becoming independent architects of our constitution, it laid out the foundations of a truly democratic and secular country. They rightly visualised that a country as large as India with a multitude of caste, creed, religion could thrive only, and only in a democratic system. Thus, present democratic system is based on the west. Provisions were made for backward classes and communities, so that they could effectively have their say in governance of the country. Such provisions were made in various spheres like Education, Employment, Legislature, Parliament etc.
Distortions and flaws in Today's democracy
However, the ideals that our leaders planned have been distorted to some extent in today's India. Instead of encouraging and following democratic principles, some political parties have, in their own vested interest, divided the community on caste and creed lines, just to feather their own nests. Thus we have parties championing the interest of different castes and communities, to deteriment of national cause.
Contrary to the secular tenets of our constitution, we have seen a distinct rise in religion fundamentalism in the country, Disputes based on religion are increasing. It portends a dangerous future. People are still being treated as vote banks, and all political and administrative decisions are taken, after considering the effect of the same on the vote bank. The consequences of this are already discernable, in the slackening of the pace of development and economic growth of the country. Well, on the other hand, it is also true that "people get the government they deserve." This does apply to us. The dismally low level of education and correspondingly great disparity in their economic growth makes such people gullible to mechanization of crafty politicians..Such people act as a fodder on which the ambitions of politicians thrive.
There is no denying the fact that democracy is still the most successful form of government in the world today. There is, however, a need for us to educate masses and also have a revise our constitution. The distortions that have risen in recent years must be corrected, if we really want out nation to succeed in democracy.
© Official Bhavesh Raje Paithane's Research Paper