Thursday, December 27, 2012
Watched "Nayak" movie ... .I think all the politicians , ministers should watch the movie at least onetime.... Even after watching the movie they don't understand they are dumb and not capable to be politicians and ministers.....the movie makers know how the Goverment can be runned but our politicians and ministers don't.......shame on corrupt politics and Goverment....
Friday, September 21, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
The Role of Youth in Modern India ©
In words of James” Youth is the joy, the little bird that has broken out of the eggs and is eagerly waiting to spread out its wings in the open sky of freedom and hope.”
Power of Youth
In words of James” Youth is the joy, the little bird that has broken out of the eggs and is eagerly waiting to spread out its wings in the open sky of freedom and hope.”
Power of Youth
Youth is the spring of Life. It is the age of discovery and dreams. India is of largest youth population in the world today. The entire world is eyeing India as a source of technical manpower. They are looking at our youth as a source of talents at low costs for their future super profits. If Indian youth make up their mind and work in close unity with working class people, they can hold the political power in their hands. Indian youth has the power to make our country from developing nation to a developed nation. Is it a dream? No, their dreams take them to stars and galaxies to the far corners of the unknown and some of them like our own Kalpana Chawla pursue their dream, till they realize it and die for it in process.
hopes of youth
The youth hopes for a world free of poverty, unemployment, inequality and exploitation of man by man. A world free of discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, language and gender. A world full of creative challenges and opportunities to conquer them. But let us convert these hopes in reality.
Role of Youth:
The role of youth is of most importance in today’s time. It has underplayed itself in field of politics. It should become aspiring entrepreneur rather than mere workers. It can play a vital role in elimination of terrorism. Young participation is important because youth are the country’s power. Youth recognize problems and can solve them. Youth are strong forces in social movements. They educate children about their rights. They help other young people attain a higher level of Intellectual ability and to become qualified adults.
Unfortunately no one is bothered to dream any s vision. Martin Luther has said, "I have a Dream" and the dream come largely true. If he had not thought of that dream he would have accomplished nothing in his life. Another problem is its indifferent attitude towards things, situation and politics .The new cool formula of “let the things be “is proving fatal to India’s development .Lack of unity and spirit is the major set back . Its time The youth, the students have to realize their power , their role, their duties and their responsibility and stand up for their rights. Now its time that instead of brain drain we should act like magnets and attract world to India.
India can become a developed nation only if everyone contributes to the best of his or her capacity and ability. Youth is wholly experimental and with the full utilization of the talents of the Youth, India will become a complete Nation. Let us hope for the same.‘Youth is like a fire
It crept forward.
A Spark at first
Growing into a flame
The brightening into a Blaze’.
© Official Bhavesh Raje Paithane's Research Paper
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Make the country a safer place for women©
Why women are not safe at any corner in India?
A Country headed by a woman President , powerful women's as Chief Ministers of four influential States should have been the safest place in the world for women .... But it is not in reality......
actively participating in political space, demands for 33 percent reservation
in parliament and assemblies by way of reservation.
All the measures have not
stopped India becoming the 4th most dangerous country for women to live with
respect and dignity.
India is the fourth most dangerous country for women, as per a
gender poll that gauged perceptions of threats ranging from domestic abuse and
economic discrimination to foeticide and other crimes against women. The survey
was conducted by the UK-based Thompson Reuters Foundation.
Women don't feel safe anymore. Women don't feel they can walk or talk freely in our societies. Women feel threatened to lead their lives on their own terms. Over the past few months, one has seen a number of incidents that humiliate and endanger women in private and public spaces.
There are Recent Guwahati Molestation Case , Many Several Rape Cases and Murder Cases of women.....
What's also deeply worrying is the increase of assault on women by law enforcement personnel who are supposed to protect citizens from violence. The inadequacy of laws against such violence, the prejudices prevalent in our social consciousness against women who are faced with such violence and the prolonged legal mechanisms to seek justice add to the already vile situation. Standing at this point, it often seems a useless task to go out and raise a voice. And yet, in a democracy, raising your voice is one of the few options left to express your anger and disgust in a peaceful manner.
Here's how the government can make the country a safe place for women.
1 The government should immediately organize public hearings to solicit suggestions that enable the Criminal Law Amendment Bill, 2010 to effectively tackle the spectrum of sexual violence against victims of any gender and marital relationship to the perpetrator. The cases can be graded non-bailable offences of sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, and sexual offences, based on the concepts of harm, injury, humiliation and degradation.
2 Rape cases should be investigated not by general police but by specially trained all-woman police units in each state consisting of a team that includes a psychiatrist trained in handling post-traumatic stress. Also, a rape crisis government helpline must be made available and widely publicized along with walk-in shelters for women dealing with domestic violence and domestic sexual abuse.
3 All cases of custodial violence or violence perpetrated by the police or armed forces should be fast-tracked through the legal system to rapidly rid law enforcement of its criminal and misogynist personnel.
4 A CBI investigation into rape as a weapon of war by the Indian armed forces should begin in order to assess the extent of the rape crisis perpetrated by Indian soldiers in areas of conflict such as the North-East, Kashmir, and the Maoist belt in central India.
5 Relook our educational materials for children to ensure gender sensitive education for all.
© Official Bhavesh Raje Paithane's Research Paper
© Official Bhavesh Raje Paithane's Research Paper
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Former Maharashtra chief minister and Union Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh breathed his last today afternoon at a hospital in Chennai. He was 67. He died of hepatocellular carcinoma, a form of liver cancer.
He was in the hospital for over a wee
May God Rest His Soul....
He was in the hospital for over a wee
k and was conscious but has been on life- support in the intensive care unit.
Deshmukh's life suffered a major setback after a brain-dead man whose liver and kidney were to be transplanted, died hours before the transplant.
Sad day for maharashtra politics n loss to national politics....
Deshmukh's life suffered a major setback after a brain-dead man whose liver and kidney were to be transplanted, died hours before the transplant.
Sad day for maharashtra politics n loss to national politics....
May God Rest His Soul....
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Protest against Assam riots turns violent in Mumbai
The protest that was staged by several Muslim organizations on Saturday to condemn the alleged attacks on Muslims in Myanmar and the riots in Assam turned violent. Police had to fire in the air to disperse protesters. Some vehicles were torched according to TV reports.
Led by Raza Academy, an organization working to promote Islamic culture, the protest was supported by other organizations like Sunni Jamaitul Ulma and Jamate Raza-e-Mustafa. They also condemned the riots and violence in Assam.
Sporting black badges, hundreds of members and activists of these organizations, earlier converged at the Azad Maidan and expressed concern over the massacre of the Muslim community.
Maulana Syed Moinuddin Ashraf, president of Jamia Qadriya Ashrafiya, has urged the the central and state governments to intervene.
"It is the responsibility of the Congress government to protect the Muslims, and for that matter each and every citizen," said the Maulana, who is also known as Moin Miyan.
"With regards to the massacre in Myanmar, we understand it is an external problem and that certainly should be taken care of, but what is happening in Assam reflects on the state of affairs of the country," he added.
"A large number of Muslims have been rendered homeless and are now living in camps," said Raza Academy chairman Saeed Noorie.
Noorie said they have already written to the government of Myanmar, the United Nations, the International Human Rights Organization, Organization of Islamic Countries, President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to highlight the massacre of Muslims in Myanmar.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
What is happening to Pune? Maharashtra's Culturally Rich town!
What is happening to Pune? Maharashtra's Culturally Rich town!
The Home Dept and the Pune Police who seem totally spiraling into confusion, are clamping various bans on its citizens.
From last year:
1) Ban on public viewing of cricket matches on screens in various public places
2) Ban on Dhol Tasha Lezim (the famous traditional music of Maharashtra) for Ganesh Mandals
and NOW,
3) Ban on celebrating Dahi Handi on the roads!!
I wonder where these stiff officials come from, and must be sent back to where they believe they can rule like a dictator! aloof and stifling the culture and tradition that weaves the society!
Curbs must be to stop terrorism, crimes against women, children and the society at large!
Curbs must be to stop terrorism, crimes against women, children and the society at large!
Don't stop the Common Man from celebrating his/ her culture, festival, religion.
Stop the terrorist from attacking!
Stop the terrorist from attacking!
I am highly annoyed and ashamed by this act of the Home Dept. that firstly can't stop terrorism and buys faulty material like bomb proof and bulletproof jackets, only to impose bans on citizens!
-Bhavesh Raje Paithane
-Bhavesh Raje Paithane
Ajit Pawar,
Bhavesh Mahesh Paithane,
Bhavesh Paithane,
Bhavesh Raje PAithane,
Home Department,
Maharashtra Goverment,
Pune Bomb Blast,
Titwala, Maharashtra, India
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Democracy in India - A Success Or A Failure
Democracy in India©
What is Democracy?
We all know that Democracy is "Government of the people, for the people, by the people." Thus, citizens have great political importance in system of current government. Of course, this type of government is considered to be much more successful when it comes to power of people. India's one of the largest democratic countries in the world. Is it a success or a failure?
History of Democracy in India and its Importance
Actually, this form of government isn't new to us. The Graham Panchayat's practice started very long ago, when democratic practices were unheard of in the world. However, with our becoming independent architects of our constitution, it laid out the foundations of a truly democratic and secular country. They rightly visualised that a country as large as India with a multitude of caste, creed, religion could thrive only, and only in a democratic system. Thus, present democratic system is based on the west. Provisions were made for backward classes and communities, so that they could effectively have their say in governance of the country. Such provisions were made in various spheres like Education, Employment, Legislature, Parliament etc.
Distortions and flaws in Today's democracy
However, the ideals that our leaders planned have been distorted to some extent in today's India. Instead of encouraging and following democratic principles, some political parties have, in their own vested interest, divided the community on caste and creed lines, just to feather their own nests. Thus we have parties championing the interest of different castes and communities, to deteriment of national cause.
Contrary to the secular tenets of our constitution, we have seen a distinct rise in religion fundamentalism in the country, Disputes based on religion are increasing. It portends a dangerous future. People are still being treated as vote banks, and all political and administrative decisions are taken, after considering the effect of the same on the vote bank. The consequences of this are already discernable, in the slackening of the pace of development and economic growth of the country. Well, on the other hand, it is also true that "people get the government they deserve." This does apply to us. The dismally low level of education and correspondingly great disparity in their economic growth makes such people gullible to mechanization of crafty politicians..Such people act as a fodder on which the ambitions of politicians thrive.
There is no denying the fact that democracy is still the most successful form of government in the world today. There is, however, a need for us to educate masses and also have a revise our constitution. The distortions that have risen in recent years must be corrected, if we really want out nation to succeed in democracy.
© Official Bhavesh Raje Paithane's Research Paper
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
They Never Fail Who Die In A Great Cause
Those who take up a great cause and die while fighting, before their object is achieved, cannot be regarded as having failed in their noble mission. In fact, a noble example once set, is always set and will always be enumerated by others.
A man who lays down his life for a noble aim ma die physically, but he never perishes. He rather leaves behind his footprints which will guide the future good men and put them on the right track. There are several examples of brave soldiers who have laid down their lives to protect our motherland. There are even others who died so that others live. Their sacrifices never go in vain. In fact, we should our very existence to such great men. Indeed, we should be proud to have born in a country where martyrdom is held in high esteem. It is better to fail fighting for a right cause rather than succeed in an unimportant cause.
-Bhavesh Raje Paithane
Bhavesh Mahesh Paithane,
Bhavesh Paithane,
Bhavesh Raje PAithane,
Great Cause,
Maan Sanman Pratishtan,
They Never Fail Who Die In A Great Cause
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Monday, July 16, 2012
Raj Thackeray Drives Ailing Cousin Uddhav Home
We all Say Politics doesn't have Felling's, Emotion's etc and also say Politics doesn't see relations that is proven wrong by Raj Thackeray Today........
Shiv Sena executive president Uddhav Thackeray today underwent an angiography and was later driven home by his estranged cousin, MNS chief Raj Thackeray, giving rise to speculation of 'thaw' between the two.
Uddhav was admitted to the Lilavati Hospital in suburban Bandra after he complained of chest pain. The angiography (to unblock blood vessels) was performed shortly thereafter.
On hearing the news, Raj, who was on way to Alibaug to attend a party meet, rushed back and went to the hospital, party sources said.
When Uddhav was discharged, Raj was seen driving the Sena leader to 'Matoshree', the residence of the Thackeray family in Bandra.
The two cousins, who regularly take potshots at each other, had last met in 2008, when Raj had gone to 'Matoshree' to meet ailing Sena chief and his uncle Bal Thackeray.
Though the cousins were seen together today, Shiv Sena sources said nothing political should be read into the development. "This only shows that blood is thicker than politics," a party leader said.
Uddhav, who will turn 52 later this month, has been handling the party affairs since 2004.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Graduated by Future Pathshala.
It's a wonderful experience in "Future Pathshala" by Mr.Atul Rajoli and really working workshop for students. In the workshop many things like Goal Setting, confidence, speech training etc., are been the subjects.The ten days are really asuam nd practically working in life.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
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